No Neutral Moments: Drowning in the Current

I’ve been feeling neutral. Like I am floating through life on a current, unsure of my next move. Observing, resting, sitting back and watching how other people move through the water. Some are swimming powerfully in a very defined direction- constantly progressing, pushing, often alone. Some move in schools mindlessly, relying on the pack around…

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My Mess, My Medicine, My Message

Medicine isn’t always a potion or a pill. Sometimes it’s a person, or a place, or a path, or a passion. This is a sample of my mine. … The overwhelm hits me and my stomach punches back. A battle commences inside me. I over committed again, said yes to too many new things when…

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This is a Self-Portrait

This is a self-portrait. People don’t always see the real you. They see through their own lenses of insecurity and judgement, we all do it. The world changes, people change, depending on who is looking. The mirror doesn’t typically show you who you really are either. At least that’s the case with me. It shows…

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